Director's Message

Auxilium Girls' School, Agartala

Again the schools are asked to remain closed. But we are open to learning, to education, to accept the challenges and make them opportunities for learning and to become what we want to become.

We started the New year, as given in your school diary, with a two days staff Orientation Programme for all the staff members – on April 19-20, wherein we planned and discussed and we are committed to make this year Hope-Filled and to give our best to keep you connected and learning, to make you happy and joyful and we want to assure you that we are always there for you.

And on April 21 and 22, we had online Parents-Teachers and Students meeting for the entire school in four slots, and we were able to meet all of you and your parents and guardians. You have been given all guidelines to make the year a fruitful and successful one. Present Pandemic invites us to become strong and healthy, and fight any virus that may surround our lives and overcome all hurdles, problems, by focusing on what we have, on possibilities, on health and well being.

Yes, We are starting the New Academic Year 2021-22
Its a New Beginning and a New Start,
With New Hope, New Life,
New Chapter and New ways of learning.
We want to make it a Year of Hope.

Auxilium is a Family of Hope. In spite of all the dark clouds looming around, we want to become a people of Hope – and dream a future filled with Hope and blessing. Let us work together and combine all forces to make this a reality, by the strength of our will, by our togetherness, by our commitment to become resilient, tough and strong, knowing that tough things do not last, but tough people do.

We firmly believe and hope that our world will be healed and there will be a better and healthier world. Let us enjoy and appreciate the things we have – our family and friends, our environments, the blessings that we have, the love and care we receive.

Let us decide to be happy and joyful, start the year with a sense of gratitude, with a positive attitude, with love and sunshine in the heart and with a prayer and smile on our lips.

Begin the year focusing on your strength and energy, the possibilities and the opportunities you have, filling your life with inspiration, motivation and being open and flexible to change, living a life of joy and happiness, making an effort to walk an extra mile and making your life a gift to others.

Together with all Sisters and Teachers, I wish you a very Happy New Academic Year. Let’s together look to this New academic year and the future positively, to the bright side of life and make it a happy and successful one. For this:

Have faith and Hope in your life.
Pray Constantly and Be Happy always – its your choice
Look ahead, Keep going, Be blessed and Make things happen
Choose wisely, Walk Faithfully, Believe Firmly, Act Responsibly!

Sr. Celine D’Cunha fma
